Montpelier, VT - State Treasurer Mike Pieciak released a report estimating the economic impact of the April 8 total solar eclipse could range between $12.9 million and $51.8 million. The actual economic impact rests on the total number of visitors who travel to Vermont for the eclipse, which highly depends on the April 8 weather forecast.
“The economic impact of the total solar eclipse could be significant for Vermont, and the benefits will be even greater considering April is generally a slow period for Vermont’s tourism industry,” said Treasurer Pieciak. “This will be a boon to our State’s coffers, with millions of dollars in tax revenues likely to be collected.”
The economic impact is based on the estimated number of visitors who will travel to Vermont and the estimated amount each visitor will spend while in Vermont. The Great American Eclipse provides an estimated range of the number of visitors who will travel to Vermont with a low estimate of 52,000 visitors and a high estimate of 208,000 visitors.
The Treasurer’s Office estimates that on average each visitor will spend $249.28 while visiting Vermont. This estimate is derived from economic analyses prepared by Wyoming, Nebraska, and South Carolina following the 2017 total solar eclipse. Wyoming generated $3.8 million in tax revenue after nearly 200,000 people visited the state for the 2017 eclipse. Figures are adjusted for inflation.
It is possible Vermont’s economic benefits will be even greater than the 2017 total solar eclipse. The period of total darkness for the April 8 eclipse is expected to be over a minute longer than the 2017 eclipse. And unlike in 2017 when the next U.S. eclipse was only seven years away, the next U.S. eclipse will not happen for another 21 years.
You can learn more about the April 8 total solar eclipse here.