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VT Saves

What is VT Saves?

The VT Saves program establishes a retirement savings plan for Vermonters who are not currently offered a retirement plan through their employer. It’s designed to make saving for retirement easy and automatic, at no cost to employers and no ongoing cost to taxpayers. 

“VT Saves will transform the long-term financial well-being of tens of thousands of Vermonters. We know that employees are 15 times more likely to save for retirement when they have access to a plan, which will help more people have a secure retirement, benefit our economy, and take pressure off our state budget. I want to thank the Governor and the legislature for their bipartisan support of VT Saves and helping address Vermont’s retirement crisis.” - Vermont State Treasurer Mike Pieciak 

How does VT Saves work?

The program will automatically enroll workers who do not have access to a retirement plan through their employer in a Roth IRA account. Contributions to the account will be deducted automatically from workers’ paychecks, making it a hassle-free way to save and invest for retirement. Employees can set their own contribution rate, or use the program default, and can opt out of the program if they choose. Employees can also choose from a simple menu of investment options including low-fee target date funds that automatically rebalance over time.

When will VT Saves be open for enrollment?

VT Saves is not yet open for enrollment. It is expected that the program will launch in early 2025. 

Is VT Saves different from the Green Mountain Secure Retirement Plan? 

VT Saves replaces Green Mountain Secure Retirement (GMSR) as the State’s public retirement plan.  The GMSR was never operational and was repealed pursuant to Act 43 of 2023.  The enabling legislation for the GMSR can be found in Act 69 of 2017 , as amended by Act 72 of 2019.  Recordings of all Green Mountain Secure Retirement Public and Board meetings can be found here. 

Additional Resources:

VT Saves Advisory Board

NEW: VT Saves Public Hearing Rules

Inaugural VT Saves Annual Report

S.135 (Act 43) - An act relating to the establishment of VT Saves.

For Immediate Release: VT Saves Signed into Law, Treasurer’s Initiative Will Provide Retirement Savings Plan to Tens of Thousands Vermont Workers


Becky Wasserman

Executive Director of VT Saves

Office of the Vermont State Treasurer
