The Vermont State Employees' Retirement System (VSERS) is the public pension plan provided by the State of Vermont for State employees. It was created in 1944 and is governed by Vermont Statute Title 3, Chapter 16. The system has undergone several major changes over the years, including merger of the State Police and Motor Vehicle Inspectors' Retirement System, benefits and contribution reform in 1972, creation of a non-contributory retirement plan for rank-and-file state employees in 1981. In 1990 the Legislature mandated a return to a contributory system effective January 1, 1991 with full implementation by January 1, 1995. The membership as of June 30, 2023 is:
- 8,611 active
- 2,287 inactive
- 844 terminated vested
- 8,058 retired
Learn More About Specific Group Plans
- Group F for state employees
- Group F* for state employees hired after July 1, 2008. More
- Group D for judges
- Group C for state law enforcement officers
- Group G for employees who work in certain Department of Corrections and Department of Mental Health positions
- Group A original retirement plan which some members elected to remain in, and predecessor to plan F
- Defined Contribution for exempt state employees
- 457 Plan, a Deferred Compensation supplemental savings and investment plan for your retirement
FY2025 Employee Contribution Rates
Employee Contribution Rates in effect for FY2025 can be here.
Board of Trustees Meeting Notices, Agendas and Minutes
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the administration of the benefits and record keeping of the membership. Learn who your VSERS board members are and get details on upcoming meeting dates and minutes. More
Retirement Planning Seminars
The Retirement Office conducts regularly scheduled informational seminars around Central Vermont to assist VSERS members with information about their eventual retirement.