Deferred Compensation | Office of the State Treasurer Skip to main content

Deferred Compensation

What is Deferred Compensation?

Deferred Compensation is an optional savings and investment plan for your retirement. Through the State Treasurer's Office, two supplemental retirement savings programs are made available to employee groups.

  • 457(b) Plan – overseen by the VSERS Board for State employees or legislators; teachers; or municipal employees in a participating municipality.


  • 403(b) Plan – overseen by the VSTRS Board and available to employees of Vermont's public school districts.

Employees eligible for both the 457 plan and the 403(b) plan may opt to invest in both supplemental retirement savings plans.


Who Administers the Plan?

Vermont’s Deferred Compensation plans have been administered by Empower since August 2022.


Contributing to the Plan

The Plan offers you the opportunity to save with traditional pre-tax and/or Roth after-tax dollars. You also can catch up and contribute more money during the final years of your career.

  • In 2025, the maximum annual contribution of 100% of pay, up to $23,500.


  • Those who will be age 50 and older this year can make an additional contribution of $7,500 for a total limit of $30,500.


  • Three years prior to your normal retirement age (whether you will retire then or not), if you have not always maximized your annual contributions to the Plan, you may be able to defer a total amount equal to twice the annual limit ($46,000).


  • Rollovers from another employer’s eligible plan or pretax IRA (individual retirement account) are accepted into the Plan at any time.

Retirement Plan Advisors

The Plan offers retirement plan advisors at no additional cost to provide you with personalized service through group meetings and one-on-one consultations. These knowledgeable professionals provide you with convenient service and support. To schedule a personal consultation, Click here


How Are Funds Invested?

Participants in deferred compensation plans can choose how their funds are invested either independently or through support tools provided by Empower.  Empower’s retirement plan advisors can meet with you individually to explain different options.  For more information, you can log into your account at


How to Enroll

All current State of Vermont employees and employees of participating municipalities and school districts are eligible to participate. State employees can enroll through the VTHR website where you submit your timecards (Self Service>Benefits>Deferred compensation Enroll)


Choosing Your Beneficiary

Elect your beneficiary by logging in to your account at or calling 877-RET-VERM (877-738-8376).  Even if you have a beneficiary on file with your defined benefit plan, you also need to designate a beneficiary with Empower for your deferred compensation plan.